Exam! Exam! Exam! Exam! Exam! Exam! Exam! Exam! Exam! Exam! *echos*
It doesn't seem to exist in my life right now. I have not been studying, for.......(how long)? Seriously I started to feel a bit worried about my studies...and my future. I'm just lazy. Well not really, if you want me to do something I'm interested in (like playing the drums) I would spend tonnes of time in it to make it perfect. For me, studying has to be more interesting than just looking into books. Yeah, if my brother reads this, he will be like... Spoilt Brad! (Hehe)
If you compare me with other people... I'm quite far away from being a spoilt one. But if you compare me with the students 20 years ago (like my bro), yeah...I'm one.
I think I really really need to pick up my books now. Yeah now. A lot of people like to say tomorrow, but actually there's no any tomorrow. When the clock strikes 12, it's already today...Yes, NOW!
Anyways I will break my Math record again this coming exam :p
Target Comfirmed: 86%> *smiles*
*Hopefully my drumset won't fall from the plane (sky) and kill someone :)
Awaits me..............................................................................................
Saturday, October 4, 2008
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