Monday, December 29, 2008

Wooo~~~~ AWESHUM-NESS!!!

Whaddup peopz?
The Student Fellowship Night held last night was really a SUCCESS =)

Well I didn't take any photos since we hired 2 pro photographers... So yeah I'll post them up soon...
The guests arrived were more than our expectation... And it all went well as planned...

I don't think I have the mood to blog today due to some shits... and of course the event last night made me exhausted as I was a stage manager... LOL how I wish I get paid for doing it =P (hey YOU hear that?) hehe....

Anyways... a week to go and we have to get back to school again... LOL next year is like the miserable year for all 1992 born peopz... You have SPM.......TTSS reshuffled.... NS..... and more of course I don't memorize them =.=

Okay............I started to miss some people now :(

By the way:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas~

Harllow again everyone Merry Christmas!
LOL haha I don't know what to wish y'all but I know that God will bless y'all in the times to come=)

Just came back from Church's Christmas Eve Night! Haha it was really fun acting as a female. LOL haha I was acting as a disco girl in a Chinese drama presented just now. Yep got everyone's attention haha plan succeed =D I'll upload some pics of the night after I get the pics from my PA church worker...

Anyways... A 'Christmas' tag by Elayne =_=
Here it goes...

1. Do you think you're hot?
> So...... You want me to say YES??? LOL!

2. Upload a favourite picture of yourself

3. Do you like the picture?
> Erm... Probably... Well the bad thing is that it shows my baby face haha... I'm not a camwhore-er sorry =.=

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
> Yesterday with Fay and Elayne at Little Italy (haha yes I made them FAT! =P)

5. What was the last song you listened to?
> Sound of Muzak by Porcupine Tree(check them out they're really great :)

6. What are you doing right now besides this?
> Listening to Porcupine Tree haha

7. What name do you prefer besides your name?
> Well.... I like my name actually cause not many people own it =P

8. 5 people I tagged:
>1. Jonathan Wong Ket Shin
>2. Tiong Hui Yee
>3. Joie
>4. Vanessa
>5. Veron

9. Who is number 1?
> I guy who loves music... A guitarist and a badminton lover =)

10. Who is number 3 having a relationship with?
> Edward Cullen??? HAHAHA LOL!

11. Say something about number 5.
> My elder sis who is currently studying at Sydney... Who loves her music so much, and a pro guitarist.

12. How about number 4?
> AKA wannnn neeeee saaaaa... Who failed baking cookies last time =D And a photocopy of Hailie Lim @_@

13. Who is buddy number 2?
> A tough and determined girl who loves God at her best.

So here ends my post today cause I'm really really really


God bless y'all :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Aloha everyone(I mean shalom) I'm back from exhuasted weekdays and now finally I have the time and mood to write something here =)

Christmas is here yah yah I know y'all are excited about it but I think KK needs to improve more on building the Christmas atmosphere here... it's a bit.... too quiet (silent night~)

Anyways these few days have been tiring, but somehow fantastic but miserable in some parts... I had to wake up early to go to De Notes at Damai everyday to help selling the tickets for this 29th gathering at 1 Borneo. Thank you for your co-operation in buying the tickets from me cause this thing is going well at the moment but for tickets info please contact me ASAP cause I only have limited of tickets with me now.

I'm forced to see the faces of Fay, Elayne(sapha), Daryl Goh and Victor almost everyday=.= LOL who asked me to be so busy body wanna campur tangan in this program but then De Notes band is playing(me included) so I have to help :(

Well a lot of funny things happened throughout these few days of gathering among a few of us... Haha whenever you have friends like them you always have a chance to laugh during a conversation.

Scene 1:

We were at YOYO damai(lol we're like there everyday)
And suddenly a friend of Elayne walked up to her

Guy: Hi Elaine! How are you?

Elayne: Hi Hi!!! Yeah I'm fine. Long time no see. You wanna go to this concert on the 29th? (blah blah blah telling all the description)

Guy: Oh okay I'm not sure yet. How about you giving me your number? So I could comfirm with you without meeting up.

Elayne: Okay (telling her no.)

Guy: Okay thanks I'ma just miss call you now so you could save down my no.

*After 3 seconds of calling*

Elayne: Oh wait my phone is ringing now.... *picked up the phone* Hello???

Guy: .............

Us: =____=

LOL haha guess you know what happened then... We burst into laughters and everyone at YOYO were looking at us macam we were barbarians... YAH it's your fault Elayne... Now you guys should know that she didn't get that nickname for nothing haha.

Scene 2:

We were at De Notes jamming in the room. Kevin (De Notes boss) came in and wanted to talked to us about the program preparations. Before that he was carrying a few posters and showed them to us. Posters of a young woman posing macam model model like that...

Kevin: Hey everyone. Could you all please gimme some comments on these two posters?

Daryl Goh was just too excited at that time... trying to skip the question so we could discuss on the topic about the program.

Daryl: Oh my god Kevin this girl has no hotness...just 0% hotness you know? She's not beautiful or attractive blah blah blah criticizing talking shits... (well he was just kidding just trying to get over with it)

Federick: Hmmmm.... She doesn't have sexy eyes...

Others: Uhmmm yeah yeah (trying to skip also haha)

Kevin: ...................................

Victor: .......You guys..... Do you know who is the one in the posters? Oh my god you people ah... It's Kevin's GIRLFRIEND lah BUDUH!!!!!!

Us: :-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Hallelujah~*

Holy shit we were stunned(macam dota) for.....3 seconds? Guess what? We burst into laughters again. LOL Daryl was so sorry about that and he was trying to comfort Kevin that time and kept saying that Kevin's girlfriend was awesome and shits.... .HAHAHAHA funny people... Well Kevin wasn't angry haha he knew that he was just skipping his questions.

There were more but I won't mention ALL here... But today and yesterday quite miserable lah for me cause Fay was busy I guess, couldn't come De notes, Daryl pula flew to Indonesia for Christmas, Elayne lagi busy so many customers in selling tickets everywhere and emo emo there...

Nobody kawan-ed me go eat lunch this afternoon lah :'( Fay didn't come.... Elayne pula came around 2 only... Victor still gaying with his electric guitar... Hate them FOREVER *cutting wrist*

You guys better spend me LUNCH on Tuesday =P

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


For all those who wants to buy the 29th 1b gathering event punya tickets please go to De Notes at Damai to
find ME
or FAY
for tickets from 11a.m. till 4p.m. everyday except for SUNDAYS and MONDAYS.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Okay peopz it's me again... LOL I thought I promised I would only be back after a week but since I'm tagged... so haha I'll be quick =)

So... like...... tagging kan? My first time... So.... nvm I won't give you a prologue =.=

LOL I DIDN'T KNOW IT'S IN CHINEIIISSEEE... nvm I'll do it in English...

题目[一] 写出你的择偶十个条件:
1. Feel lar durh...
2. Have good eating habits
3. Not too fat
4. Not too thin (haha)
5. Good family background
6. Not a Cheena(sorry it's not CHINESE, it's just some kinda term)
7. Treats people around her nicely
8. Not too slow
9. At least know a li'l bit about music
10. Respectful to elders(parents)

1. Joie
2. Vanessa
3. Lola
4. Fay
5. Demi
6. Olivia
7. Tiong
8. Xue Mei
9. Teresa
10. Cal

1. Gerald
2. Benjamin
3. Kou
4. Bryan
5. Jeremiah
6. Raymond
7. Gavin
8. Daryl Goh
9. Daryl Linggian
10. Bert Bert

1. Church (Hallelujah~)
2. De notes (RAM)
3. 1 Borneo
4. Cp
5. Australia (Sydney)
6. Burger King
7. Mc D
8. Joie's house
9. Warisan
10. Damai

1. Medium cooked steak with pepper sauce
2. Pasta
3. Italian pizza
4. Beef lasagna
5. Shandy
6. My grandma homemade laksa
7. Gelato ice-cream
8. Oporto(AU)
9. Domino's pizza
10. Lift(AU)

WTH? 10 peopz??? LOL
1. Joie
2. Wayne
3. Major
4. Tiong
5. Adeline
6. Vanessa
7. Jonathan Wong
8. Olivia
9. Summer
10. Sofia

Alrighzzz I'm off =) *shut down*

City Mall Christmas Concert

Hehe I shouldn't be posting today actually... I'm supposed to be jamming or drumming or preparing for Christmas or probably sleeping.

Just to tell y'all that there's a Christmas concert going on at City Mall on the 21st of Dec =) It's kinda like a relegious concert which related to Christmas songs and stuff you know... LOL I don't have much info with me but I believe it's nice cause I'm going too =) I'm helping on the stage doing the wiring and stuff probably =.= By the way, it's FOC... yeah so you better go before it starts charging you.

Click it for a larger image

Well got chinese songs presented also lar so you can ask your Cheena friends to go as well =P

Another thing I would wanna ask y'all where does X'MAS this term comes from? I'm kinda like a relegious person and I think that Christmas is all about the birth of CHRIST(Jesus durh~) and since when X replaced CHRIST? LOL that's why you never see me typing X'mas, it's only all about Christmas...

Oh well it's just gonna be another year staying at KK for Christmas... How I wish I could go to AU for Christmas? Haih... the church needs my help every year =_=

Well seems like Stephen and Charles are the lucky bois haha. Get to go to somewhere else for Christmas season. Gonna miss y'all for sure :)

Alright seriously you won't see me posting anymore for 1 week probably coz I'm on lazy-blogging-mode. See you around...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Let's get the party started~

Ello~ everyone. I'm gonna inform y'all about a party which is gonna be held on the 29th of Dec this year and trust me it's gonna be fun (that's what I was told=.=)

Well you might have already seen this poster somewhere or in someone's blog but yeah I'm promoting it in ma' blog too cause I'm forced to sell the tickets =_=... Haha but hey no joke cause it'll be fun. How do I guarantee you? LOL I'm going as well so I BELIEVE that it's going to be AWESHUM okay?

Just a li'l info about this program. It's organized by a group called D'ritz(yeah go figure who they are) and it will be held at courtyard hotel 1 Borneo =) You are asked to wear yourselves in formal which it's neat and tidy. The theme is black and white. The thing starts at 6.30pm so be PUNCTUAL. The price is RM50 per ticket(c'mon it's in a hotel). And yes of course dinner is provided.

This program is like for all the high school people(and also ex-high school people) to gather around and make friends ya know... People from different high schools will bring to you their performances. Well quite a satisfying number of bands have already submitted themselves to play in this occasion. Including Fay and I(Marine Ate Steak!) and a few more bands from other schools which are gonna blow you away! Lol...

There will also be dancing performance by different schools include the Synergy Dance Studio peopz. They are gonna rock your body =) Lucky draws also included in this party and as well the best dressed competition(yeah so dress yourselves well).

If anyone who is interested to go to this gathering, please contact ME for the tickets or Fay(in case I sell them off) or Elaine Lim or Daryl Goh.

So I will not update this few weeks(maybe) cause I will be busy preparing for Christmas(woo~) and also the performance for the party.

See y'all THERE =)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Back =)

Harllow everyone! How're ya doing? I just came back from Kuching on the past Sunday and everything went okay.

I departed from Air Asia airport in the noon on the 3rd. And guess what? My mom, my uncle and I had to carry 2 big boxes full of seafood all the way to Kuching (handcarry) =___= Well of course you don't expect my mom to carry them cause she's strengthless while my uncle has a heart problem. Well luckily my mom still volunteered to help me carry the lighter one. Tell you what I was so pissed off when I was carying this big heavy box all the way from the check-in counter up to the plane. In my mind I kept swearing, wtf. LOL you maybe couldn't feel what I felt cause I don't understand my dad and my grandma why would they wanna bring all these food to Kuching. Yeah my relatives are there but they could get it there as well =.= I really felt like dumping it beside the road or selling it off for money. Luckily I didn't break any bones of my fingers, the plastic thread tied onto the box almost cut my fingers into half. I SWEAR I would never wanted to carry any more shits to Kuching anymore, mark my words.

Okay nvm I arrived at Kuching and my relatives looked welcoming(well they should). They are really really really far-away relatives of mine. My grandma's brother's grandchildren(could you imagine that?). And there are 6 of them, yes... and everyone is DIFFERENT (how amazing yeah?) I wouldn't introduce them to you one-by-one cause I didn't take any pics of them(well some of them look good haha too bad).

If you think I went to Kuching just to have fun..... then you're WRONG!!! LOL I knew it was gonna be tough when my mom told me that I was there to work on the stock checking. I knew I wouldn't have the time to go out and walk walk. And guess what stock? It'sHARDWARE!!!

Do you know how many types of stuff are to be sold in a hardware shop? Well to tell the truth, I myself don't know as well cause there are too MANY! That hardware shop was part of my dad's, so I was assigned to help:(

Well this is just part of the whole store.
And yes... We checked them ONE by ONE T_T

These are the screws, there are over 50 types (I guess...)

These are HEAVY...

We marked the areas so we don't get lost:)

Seriously there were too many stuffs that even some items
which you've never seen before=_=

These boxes may look small but they are HEAVY

LOL you even sell water filter in a HARDWARE shop?!

I don't even know what are these...

Guess how many rollers are there in this box?
Well me and a few of my cousins guessed it before we count it.
I guessed 250 and it turned out to be 265
Yeah I was the nearest to 250 so I was spent supper that night=) (Woohoo~)

Well I didn't know that Bomber Men invaded here =_=

Yeah I know it's quite embarassing writing this but then I had no idea what's the name of it.
Can anyone tell me? =D

Maybe you think that I was cut by a knife or hammered.
I was cut... by a... measuring tape. (Eh don't laugh! =.=)

Alright it's time to go home... and I still have to carry some stuff:(
Yeah it's all about carrying... not car-ing.
O me gosh... What a distance I walked... Yeah walking while carrying those...
It's pretty tiring working at Kuching cause we barely had time going out. We worked in the day... and we gamble at night haha. Yeah my relatives do that :)
That's it for today. Bhai =)

Monday, December 1, 2008

So So Confused...

Hmmm... irregular post here...just trying to release some of my frustrations and anger...
Have you ever felt loving someone but at the same time hating him/her? LOL... How did you feel? How did you solve it? If you ever got through it please share it with me, I'd like to know...

Have you ever praised someone you love and criticized him/her at the same time? Well I did... I don't know why it feels like that, its so... abnormal... I don't like her, but yet I do=_=. You should be like WTF Federick what are you talking about... nvm just proceed reading. No questions just solutions.

She's a... slut probably... or a whore... whatever all the people call her as. She dumps every guy who stands in her way. LOL... She takes advantages of rich dumb asses... Taking excuses as her only defending shield when rejecting guys. Pradas flooding her wardrobe probably...

Dude... I don't understand her... LOL. It's driving me crazy as I think about it more and more. And I don't understand myself why would I fall in love with such a bitch. Only God could answer me. I used to hate her so much... She's such a bitch... I wish I could connect my brain to the usb and just delete the PART...

I wish this will just vanish into thin air, and never come back again. I know it will someday. I need time... Only two ways for me... One to avoid, another to discover, probably a dead end at the end of the trial but who knows when you don't take the first step to explore. I would like to change her. You would be thinking, you stupid Federick do you think its so easy to change a person 180 degrees yeah yeah shits just flooding in... LOL if you never try, you'll never know. If Edison(whatever the spelling is) didn't try a hundred or thousand times making light bulbs you would have peed on your own bed in the middle of the night not knowing where your toilet bowl is =__=

O yeah one more thing if you guys see me dating a whore-like bitch you can just shoot me down with a rifle(well before that make sure she's really a whore k?). Shoot anywhere but not my face(hehe) and my limbs(LOL where are you gonna shoot?), I need them for drummings. I don't mind but make sure you don't kill me...

Remember... no questions, just solutions.

Don't worry I'll still be alive in my next post =.=

Love y'all :)