Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Long Waiting First Entry

Well here I come. My first ever entry in blogging. I was suppose to create my own blog a few months ago but I've been busy, and lazy as well... School has been soooooooooooooo~ freakin' boring I tell ya... I admit that actually my class(include me) is the more 'boring type' compared with Ren class. I always try to find something interesting to do to amuse myself, but failed to do so. I almost fell asleep during Miss Voo's science class this afternoon but was interrupted by her "sizzling hot" voice.

I can't believe that Arsenal actually beat Sheffield United 6-0, I was stunned when I heard about it this morning, they have thrashed them like professionals vs amateurs. Well they have made a great start this season and sit at the top of the table at the moment. Cheers for the Gunners!

Anyways, I lent my sister's guitar and amp to Fay just now. And guess what we're up to? Yeah we're playing in the TTSS star talent competition this year end(well it's coming soon) and we're ready to prepare every single note we are gonna play. This thingy is organized by the TTSS Drama Club(a great club) and tonnes of people have registered themselves to "discover" their talents(as what the posters display). I think it's a good thing for everyone, it's a chance for every student in this school to present themselves in front of thousands of people(yeah you need guts) and to make sure you don't shiver like cold cats. Actually I don't think I'm called talented in what I'm playing. Well, my point of view is that MOST of the Asians(or Malaysians) don't have the required talent to be professional musicians(no offence cause I'm included). Yeah it sounds sad for people who like music like me but we need to adapt it first if we are not talented like other people. And I discovered that hard work makes a lot of difference in what you zealous of having it.

Music industries are just too~ wide. I actually planned to study music when I graduate after SPM but after million times of thinking, I think it's not really worth it. It is so risky for me. If I want to, first of all I have to get out of KK. I mean... you can't see any future in music in this place can you? They don't provide facilities as much as KL and other countries. Gosh I just don't know what am I gonna study if I get to finish my A levels in IS after my SPM. Maybe tourism & hospitality? Account(I suck)? Hotel management(sounds cool)? Chef(I'm hungry)? Arggghhhh! Whatever... It takes time...


爱与被爱 said...

Nice blog u hv here

Anonymous said...

you can't see any future in music in this place can you? -yea i agree on this