Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bored like @*#$&

Oh yes, purchasing of my drumset has been comfrimed:)
It will arrive within two or three weeks. Well it sounds neither long nor short. But I'll have to wait...

Holidays have been boring. Yes my holidays are always like that. Wake up in the morning, online, TV, blogging, Word Challenging-ing, study(probably), sleeping, TV(did I repeat that?)...............

Gosh what else can I do? I'm so desperately waiting for my drums to come so that I can have a better life during holidays. Yessssss, much more better.

Exam is coming and believe it or not I haven't open-house my books yet. With such hot weather in KK(or Sabah, or Malaysia...whatever), how could I sit there and concentrate on studying? Yes blame on the weather... and sometimes Badawi for cutting of our electricity often. (Hehe)

By the way, my band and I are still not jamming this week*grunt* . I'm worried about this, worried about how good can Jeremiah sing(not criticizing seriously), how well can Jacintha play on the guitar(I've never seen before), how long will Michelle take to find herself a keyboard, how smooth can our practices go...etc etc etc etc ect ect ect... Arghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least I know where am I now. We've got plenty of strong rivals like Benji and the bois(Marstajin), Karen's dancing team, probably the XIAO class band or some other Cina Cina bands(the Cina bands are not included), haha I'm so mean! Can we handle it? (I have no idea)
I need support.

Damn I'm addicted to this video.

Hahahahahahahahahaha! Over!

1 comment:

tiong :) said...

haha be confident to yourself...
you can do it,with God's help :)
hmm...bad larrr u say others cina cina band...XD
seriously repeating the same things during my holiday.
online, piano, sleep,....the least is study. lol...